Breadcrumbs is the most useful element for any website to show the location or follow of the page, in this post we will learn how to generate breadcrumbs in wordpress. now start step by step
Open your functions.php file and make a function for getting the breadcumb menu
function hm_get_breadcrumb() { }
Now in the begining of the function print ul and at the end of the function print the end tag of ul
function hm_get_breadcrumb() { echo '<ul>'; echo '</ul>'; }
now inside the ul get the homepage link and location should be in first as in case of a website the first viewing page is home
function hm_get_breadcrumb() { echo '<ul><li><a href="'.home_url().'" rel="nofollow">Home</a></li>'; echo '</ul>'; }
Now get the page link and location if category or if page or if search
<?php function hm_get_breadcrumb() { echo '<ul><li><a href="'.home_url().'" rel="nofollow">Home</a></li>'; if (is_category() || is_single()) { echo "<li><a>»</a></li>"; the_category(' • '); if (is_single()) { echo "<li><a>»</a></li>"; echo "<li><a>"; the_title(); echo "</a></li>"; } } else if (is_page()) { echo "<li><a>»</a></li>"; echo "<li><a>"; echo the_title(); echo "</a></li>"; } elseif (is_search()) { echo "<li><a>»</a></li>"; echo "<li><a>"; echo '"<em>'; echo the_search_query(); echo '</em>"'; echo "</a></li>"; } echo '</ul>'; } ?>
and it is the total function also
Fifthnow call the function from where you want to shoe the breadcrumbs
<?php hm_get_breadcrumb(); ?>
And the breadcrumbs will show at the position you want to shoe the breadcrumbs and to change the design write some css code.