PHP Include , Require , Include Once (include_once) and Require Once (require_once)

PHP Include and Require

Include and Require

If you need to separate a file into many parts and then want to merge them into one PHP file then you need to use PHP include,

and they are:

1. include
2. include_once
3. require
4. require_once

PHP include

This is used while needed to include a file into another file,
** Include a file that can be used much time in a page or file.


include(‘header.php’); // or include can be written as include ‘header.php’;
echo “Its the body part”;

PHP Include Once (include_once)

If a file needed to include in a file only for single time then include once is used, like functions page
** Include a file can be used to include a file only one time in a page or file.

Example (include_once)

echo “Perform the codding activity”;

PHP require

while a file is required to execute a code then php require function is used, if the file not get then the function will not let execute the code

echo “Perform the database activity”;

PHP Require Once (include_once)

If a file needed to include in a file only for single time and the file is required to execute the code then require once is used, like connection page.

Example (include_once)

echo “Perform the database activity”;

I wish you get a clear view on PHP Include , Require , Include Once (include_once) and Require Once (require_once)

Thanks for Reading

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