How to handle WordPress WooCommerce Product Category

WooCommerce Product and Category is how to insert update and delete categories, tags, attribute, and product. so let us start WordPress woocommerce Product management.

Insert update and delete product category

Create a product category go to product->categories menu on admin panel now fill the form bu giving category name, give the slug, select the parent and give the description and then click Save.

you can be able to view the category just beside the form.

hover on the target category and you will find the edit link click on it and a form will be opened change the needed data and click on save and it is updated.

to delete a category hover on the target category from the category list table and then click on the delete link and the category will be moved to trace.

Insert update and delete product tags

as product category goes to product->tags link and will open a form on the left side and a table write side, fill the data and click on save.

in the write side table you will find the added tags,

now hover on the targeted tag and click on edit link then a form will be opened, edit the data and click on save.

to delete a tag hover on the target tag from the tags list table and then click on the delete link and the tag will be moved to trace.

Insert update and delete product Attributes

as product category goes to product->attributs link and will open a form on the left side and a table write side, fill the data and click on save.

in the write side table you will find the added attributes,

now hover on the targeted attributes and click on edit link then a form will be opened, edit the data and click on save.

to delete attributes hover on the target attribute from the attribute list table and then click on the delete link and the attribute will be moved to trace.

Add a WordPress woocommerce product

To add a product go to product->add product menu from WordPress admin panel now fill the title of the product, description of the product to be seen on product details page, the featured image, product type, price, attribute and the short description and also select the category and tags if needed and have the options also to add a product gallery from here also category can be added  and then click on publish

to create a variable product using attributes select the product type as the veritable product.

View product

to view a product go to product menu and click on it and a product listing table will appear hover on it and click on the view link to view the product

Edit product

to edit a product go to the product menu and click on it and a product listing table will appear hover on it and click on the edit the product edit window will be opened edit the needed data and click on update.

Delete a Product

to delete a product go to the product menu and click on it and a product listing table will appear hover on it and click on the trace the product will be moved to trace and to delete permanently click delete from trace link.

in this post have learned WordPress woocommerce Product management in the next post will learn about the admin uses of order coupon and report WordPress woocommerce.

Thanks for Reading


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