How to use WordPress MailPoet Newsletters Plugin

Hi in this post going to show you how to Create MailPoet Newsletters Settings,  going to show you how to create a  newsletter using templates and how to manage the subscriber of newsletters.

First, you need to install the plugin MailPoet Newsletter and after activation, the relevant menu MailPoet will appear on the left side menu bar.

When you will click on the MailPoet menu you will see the sub-menus

  • Newsletters
  • Subscribers
  • Settings
  • and Premium

View a newsletter

To view a newsletter go to MailPoet -> Newsletter

you will see the newsletter listing table hover on any target and click on preview you will be able to see the newsletter.

Add a newsletter

To add a newsletter go to MailPoet -> Newsletter

Now click on create a new email button located at the top of the page now decorate the newsletter and click on save you have added a new newsletter.

Edit a newsletter

To edit a newsletter go to MailPoet -> Newsletter

you will see the newsletter listing table hover on any target and click on the edit link you will be able to see the newsletter. perform the edit and then click on save.

Delete a newsletter

To delete a newsletter go to MailPoet -> Newsletter

you will see the newsletter listing table hover on any target and click on delete link and the newsletter will be deleted.

View and manage the list of subscriber

To view subscribers go to MailPoet -> Subscribers

you will see the Subscribers listing table hover on any target and click on view status or edit link to edit.

on the top portion, you will find the option to add a list, edit a list of the subscriber, add a new subscriber and import and export the option of subscribers.

Send a newsletter to subscribers

To send the newsletter go to MailPoet->Newsletter->Clickon the target newsletter->Select the list->click on next->edit the newsletter or click on the next step->Now check and click on send button. and the mail will be sent to the mailpoet newsletter subscribers.

in this post we have seen how to handle mailpoet newsletter plugin for newsletter subscription process next will see about another most popular plugin woocommerce.

Thanks for Reading

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