Like post the WordPress page handling is mostly similar, In this Post, we are going to learn how to add edit and delete a WordPress pages. For that, we have to go to the WordPress admin panel and then page menu.
In that menu there are All Pages, Add New.
Add a WordPress page
To add a new post click on add new sub-menu of pages menu located at the left side menubar, then fill up the title of the page, the description of the page where user can add HTML code also by clicking text tab or can design using the options from the view tab, and user can attach featured image by clicking the link set featured image, and there will appear option to select image from existing media or upload media and then select and user can also add multiple categories with the page. and then have to click on the publish button.
View WordPress pages
To view WordPress pages user need to go to the link All Pages located at the menu page of left side menubar of admin panel and then a page will be opened with page table user can search a page also from the search field located at just above the page table and can short and also can filter, and then hovering any targeted page the view link will appear clicking on the user can view the page.
Edit WordPress Page
Hovering on a targeted page on page table an edit link will appear and user has to click on that to edit, the page then a page will be opened, user need to update the data and featured image if needed and the parent and then have to press the update button and the page will be updated.
Delete WordPress Page
To delete a WordPress page user need to Hovering on a targeted page on page table a trace link will appear and user have to click on that and the page will be moved to the trace and if user have to delete permanently then have to go to trace link and have to click on the delete permanently link and the page will be deleted permanently.
In this post, we learned about the admin part of WordPress pages in the next post we are going to learn about WordPress Appearance.