How to use WordPress Dashboard

In this post, I am going to show the overview of the dashboard of the WordPress admin panel. While you will open the WordPress admin panel you will see the left sidebar, It contains the menus of the dashboard, posts, media, pages, comments, appearance, plugins, tools, and settings we will discuss the menus one by one.

Dashboard Menu

The WordPress Dashboard provides a navigation menu that contains some menu options such as posts, media library, pages, comments, appearance options, plugins, users, tools and settings on the left side.

Screen Options

The dashboard contains different types of widgets that can be shown or hidden on some screens. It contains checkboxes to show or hide screen options and also allows us to customize sections on the admin screen.

Welcome to WordPress!

In this section you will find some links like add a post, add about us page, customized site, the links of site URL to view the site, and also will be able to find the links for widget and plugins.

Quick Draft

in the quick draft section of WordPress, the dashboard user can fill-up the form and submit the data as a draft and can be use letter.


In that section, user will able to see about the recent activity like the post posted, or the comment was given for any post, etc.

At a Glance

In this section, the user can be able to see the numbers of posts, pages, and comments, etc or in one word the overview of the site.

WordPress News

In WordPress news section the user will get the updated news posted by

Now if you have used SEO plugins and many widget and plugin then you will see the overview the reports of the plugins and other things like the views the conditions of the SEO of the pages and posts and so many things.


In the next post will see the posts and category portions of WordPress.

Thanks for Reading

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