In this post How to Make a WordPress theme options page or an admin menu page for WordPress theme, I am going to show how to make a setting page for WordPress custom theme.
Open your theme function.php file and write the code
Now start the code step by step
Step 1. Create a menu and page in the WordPress admin panel.
For that use the below code
//call the function for admin menu add_action("admin_menu", "add_theme_menu_item"); //called function by admin menu function add_theme_menu_item() { $page_title = 'Theme Option Page'; $menu_title = 'Theme Option'; $capability = 'manage_options'; $menu_slug = 'theme-option'; $function_to_call = 'theme_settings_page'; $icon_url = null; $position = 12; add_menu_page($page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function_to_call, $icon_url, $position); }
I have kept the sdd_menu_page() functions parameters in a variable according to the uses of the parameters.
$page_title: is used to display the value as the title of the page and show it in a tab of the browser.
$menu_title: is used to make the title of the left menu of the WordPress admin panel
$capability = ‘manage_options’: both are used as a keyword to make of providing the capability of the menu
$menu_slug: it is used for the URL link or slug of the page
$function_to_call: it will call the function given regarding the variable and will show in the HTML content of the function and display inside theme options page or created page
$icon_url: if want to give some icon for the admin panel menu as an indicator then provide an URL of an icon here
$position: is used to set the menu position.
Step 2: Now declare the function and basic HTML and code, called by the declaration of the theme option menu
//The function to call from the time of adding admin menu function theme_settings_page(){ ?> <div class="wrap"> <h1>Theme Options</h1> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php //giving the id of the field area settings_fields("section"); do_settings_sections("theme-options"); submit_button(); ?> </form> </div> <?php }
Now inside the form tag, I have used 3 function
- settings_fields(“section”); is used for setting the fields and the “section” parameter will be used to declare the fields
- do_settings_sections(“theme-options”); in this case the theme option will be used for declaring the fields
- submit_button(); the function I used to create and place a submit button
Step 3. Initialize the display of the field, for that use the below function
//call the function for admin init add_action("admin_init", "display_theme_panel_fields"); //called function by admin init function display_theme_panel_fields() { add_settings_section("section", "All Settings", null, "theme-options"); //adding the secrtion of logo url add_settings_field("theme_logo_url", "Theme Logo Url", "display_theme_logo_element", "theme-options", "section"); //registering the secrtion of logo url register_setting("section", "theme_logo_url"); //adding the secrtion of Header Email Address add_settings_field("theme_header_email", "Theme Header Email Address", "display_theme_header_email", "theme-options", "section"); //registering the secrtion of Header Email Address register_setting("section", "theme_header_email"); }
I am going to show the function by two fields one for logo url and another for email address
- the add_settings_section(“section”, “All Settings”, null, “theme-options”); is used for delacring a heading of the fields
- add_settings_field(“theme_logo_url”, “Theme Logo Url”, “display_theme_logo_element”, “theme-options”, “section”); its used for declaring a field where theme_logo_url is the field name and used for regidter that particular field, Theme Logo Url is the label of the field , display_theme_logo_element is the function to call for display the field and the theme-options and section is used to settings_fields(“section”); and do_settings_sections(“theme-options”); portion
- now register the field for submission by using the code register_setting(“section”, “theme_logo_url”);
- similarly the email field
Now Step 4 . to make the html of the logo field and the email field
Foe that create a function name which is defined in add_setting_field the “display_theme_logo_element” and make a logo field similarly declare a function by name “display_theme_header_email” which is already defined in add_settings_field for email.
Now the code for that or the two functions are is
//display the section for logo url function display_theme_logo_element() { ?><input type="text" name="theme_logo_url" id="theme_logo_url" value="<?php echo get_option('theme_logo_url'); ?>" style="width:100%;"/><?php } //display the section for Header Email Address function display_theme_header_email() { ?><input type="text" name="theme_header_email" id="theme_header_email" value="<?php echo get_option('theme_header_email'); ?>" style="width:100%;"/><?php }
You can fetch the value of the field inserted by using get_option(); function and passing the parameter as the name of the field
Example =”<?php echo get_option(‘theme_logo_url’); ?>
Now the full code to define in function.php is:
//call the function for admin menu add_action("admin_menu", "add_theme_menu_item"); //called function by admin menu function add_theme_menu_item() { $page_title = 'Theme Option Page'; $menu_title = 'Theme Option'; $capability = 'manage_options'; $menu_slug = 'theme-panel'; $function_to_call = 'theme_settings_page'; $icon_url = null; $position = 12; add_menu_page($page_title, $menu_title, $capability, $menu_slug, $function_to_call, $icon_url, $position); } //The function to call from the time of adding admin menu function theme_settings_page(){ ?> <div class="wrap"> <h1>Theme Options</h1> <form method="post" action="options.php"> <?php //giving the id of the field area settings_fields("section"); do_settings_sections("theme-options"); submit_button(); ?> </form> </div> <?php } //call the function for admin init add_action("admin_init", "display_theme_panel_fields"); //called function by admin init function display_theme_panel_fields() { add_settings_section("section", "All Settings", null, "theme-options"); //adding the secrtion of logo url add_settings_field("theme_logo_url", "Theme Logo Url", "display_theme_logo_element", "theme-options", "section"); //registering the secrtion of logo url register_setting("section", "theme_logo_url"); //adding the secrtion of Header Email Address add_settings_field("theme_header_email", "Theme Header Email Address", "display_theme_header_email", "theme-options", "section"); //registering the secrtion of Header Email Address register_setting("section", "theme_header_email"); } //display the section for logo url function display_theme_logo_element() { ?><input type="text" name="theme_logo_url" id="theme_logo_url" value="<?php echo get_option('theme_logo_url'); ?>" style="width:100%;"/><?php } //display the section for Header Email Address function display_theme_header_email() { ?><input type="text" name="theme_header_email" id="theme_header_email" value="<?php echo get_option('theme_header_email'); ?>" style="width:100%;"/><?php }
In this post, we have learned about the How to Make a theme options page or an admin menu page for WordPress theme next we will learn about how to make a theme identification image or featured image of the theme,
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