Tutorial on How to Use Bootstrap glyphicons icons
Bootstrap 3 glyphicons icons is a predefined set of the icon can be used in website design using bootstrap like font-awesome. Bootstrap 3 glyphicons icons can be used as text, that is the size and color can be defined as like text style. To use that give the class name .glyphicon and the class of […]
Tutorial on How to Make Bootstrap 3 Badges and Labels
In this post, we are going to discuss Bootstrap 3 Badges and Labels, Bootstrap 3 Badges The Badges are the number indicator of a button or text, it is mainly used to show how many messages or orders have been submitted. The color of the text and background color of Bootstrap 3 Badges are compatible […]
Tutorial on How to Create Bootstrap 3 Progress Bars
Bootstrap 3 Progress Bars are the predefined attractive element of bootstrap, A progress bar is mainly used to show how many presents of a task is completed graphically. Normal Progress Bar A normal progress bar is a blue background colored bar and to use any progress bar take a div and give the class name […]
wordpress get current page id inside and outside of loop
WordPress get current page id or post id is a common query while developing WordPress theme, as there many time it needed to filter or make a link, now the below code will help you to get the current page or post id inside and outside of the loop WordPress get current page id Outside […]
WordPress get page content by id from other page or posts
In WordPress get page content by id is mainly used to get the content outside of the page calling by URL Like as if you want to call the content of the about in home page or in the footer in case of WordPress theme development Now code for the WordPress get page content by […]
WooCommerce get products loop by Category Name
In this post, we will learn how to get product loop by Category Name in woo-commerce, for that first need to make an array of arguments and then have to get the products like as getting the posts by arguments as the woo-commerce product is also one kind of argument. Now the example code is […]
Tutorial on How to make Bootstrap 3 List Groups
A list group is used to display an unordered or a div in a list view, the list view mainly used inside the menu or display some list of content. Now let us discuss Bootstrap 3 List Groups, which is a very flexible component for displaying lists of elements in a beautiful manner. Basic List […]
Tutorial on Bootstrap 3 Panels
Bootstrap 3 Panels lets us place the content in a better presentation. Bootstrap 3 Panels have a border with some padding and divided into header and footer and body, for heading and related text. It is mainly used while we need to write several topics with titles and content like FAQ. Now start to make […]
Get WordPress home url or front page url
In WordPress Home URL or site URL is mainly used to make a redirect to the home page by clicking on the logo or a special link on any position of the body or it is also used to link some static component. Now start WordPress get home URL The basic way The basic code […]
Get WordPress style sheet URL
If you want to include your style URL in your theme where the description of the theme and author is defined then you have to import the style URL in your theme and if you have imported all the related style URL in the theme defining stylesheet then you must have to import the stylesheet. […]
Tutorial on Bootstrap 3 Drop downs
Bootstrap 3 dropdowns are mainly used in the navigation menu to make a dropdown menu, But sometimes it is used in button and div also for scripting. A bootstrap 3 dropdowns is a toggleable menu that allows you to choose a value from a togglable list. Basic Dropdown To make a basic dropdown add the […]
Tutorial on Bootstrap 3 Collapse & Accordion
A collapse and accordion is a hide panel or portion which is opened on click on a button or link with scrolling effect. Now start to learn Bootstrap Collapse and Accordion. Basic Collapse to make a basic collapse in bootstrap 3 need to use data-toggle=”collapse” and data-target=”#collapse_demo” in a button or link where collapse_demo is […]
Tutorial on Bootstrap 3 Tabs and Pills
Bootstrap 3 tab and pills are the nav component, the pills are mainly used in the navbar and the tab is used on javascript van bar to show regarding hiding portion like an accordion. Basic Menu To make a basic menu use an unordered list and inside li give anchor link Example: Try it yourself […]
How to Make Bootstrap 3 NavBar
In a website, a common component is navigation bar and it used to navigate to the proper page according to its link, so in this tutorial, we are going to learn Bootstrap 3 Navigation Bar or navbar which is mobile responsive and have in 2 types of color, Basic or default navbar To make a […]
How to create Bootstrap 3 Carousel slider
A slider is a common component of a website and makes a fully responsive slider becomes very easy with help of bootstrap 3 and in the bootstrap slider, you can use caption or text also, Now start Bootstrap 3 Carousel slider step by step. Code and discussion of bootstrap 3 slider to make a slider […]
How To Create Bootstrap 3 Modal Window
A modal window is a popup window like lightbox, there is a three size modal window in bootstrap 3, today we will going to discuss about Bootstrap 3 Modal Window. How to make bootstrap 3 modal window to make a modal window need to take a trigger in which on click the modal window will […]
How to Make Bootstrap 3 Popover
Bootstrap 3 popover is similar to the tooltip , bootstrap provided us a very nice popover and today we will going to learn how to make a popover How to make a bootstrap 3 popover to create a bootstrap 3 popover use a title which will be shown inside the popover and use data-content=”Some content […]
How to get WordPress page url by id
to get the URL of any post or page in WordPress first you need to get the id of that page or post, and for that go to admin panel and open the post or page for edit and on URL you will find ?post= and get the post or page id from there. […]
How to get wordpress page url or link by page or post name
to get the URL of a page by its name in WordPress first you need to get the id of the page by page name and then you have to get the page URL by id Now to get the id of the page by page name use the below code $page = get_page_by_title( ‘Hellow […]
How to get featured image url of a post or pages
In this post, we are going to learn about WordPress get featured image URL now start step by step First, get the id of the post or page of which featured image URL you want to get by using the code $post->ID Second get the id of the thumbnail image bypassing the post id through […]
WordPress WooCommerce get my-account page url
In this post we are going to learn to get myaccount page url of woocommerce , now start step by step First: get the my account page id by using the code get_option( ‘woocommerce_myaccount_page_id’ ); Second: check if there is any myaccount page id Third: get the parmalink by passing the myaccount page id through […]
WoordPress WooCommerce get logout url
In this post, we ate going to learn about woo-commerce get logout URL and let’s make that step by step First: get the my account page id by using the code get_option( ‘woocommerce_myaccount_page_id’ ); Second: check if there is any my-account page id Third: get the permalink bypassing my account page id through the function […]
How to make money online from home without investment
When I entered the network world as a professional, my first question was how to make money online from home? as its a very good thing to make some extra money from home and not going to any other places, So In this post, I am going to give you some ideas on how to […]
How to make load more gallery without reloading page using javascript.
Hi, today we are going to discuss making a load more gallery without reloading the page using javascript. now lets start step by step, Step 1. first needed a gallery of image or text and need to give a unique class name to the thumbnail divs. Step 2. then make the div display none to […]
WooCommerce important page url
Below there is some needed woo-commerce page URL, which is frequently used to develop any woo-commerce website. The WooCommercer important page URL are Shop Url $shopUrl = get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id( ‘shop’ ) ); Cart Url global $woocommerce; $aUrl = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url(); Checkout Url global $woocommerce; $aUrl = $woocommerce->cart->get_checkout_url(); Account Url $aAccountPageId = get_option( ‘woocommerce_myaccount_page_id’ […]
TypeScript Tutorial Overview
The javascript is built for client-side application handling and after introducing of node js we can handle the server-side also that is the database interaction also can be handled by javascript also, Now typescript is the superset of javascript, That is if you write code in javascript and save that as a .ts extension and […]
How to install and setup the environment for typescript?
To learn any language first need to set up the environment and to set up the environment for typescript we have to install some software and packages. We are going to discuss that one by one. To work on Typescript first we need node.js so whatever operating system you are using you have to install […]
Variable Types in TypeScript
TypeScript supports various types of values like a number, string, etc and to store them there are a few numbers of variables also, In TypeScript here is 6 type of variable in typescript and they are as described below, Number: To declare a number type variable first use the keyword let or var then the […]
Decision Making or if and switch condition
Like all other programming languages in TypeScript also there is a conditional decision-making system and they are mainly if case and switch case The if Case in TypeSaript: if a condition is satisfied then only it lets execute the code which is inside of the if case else executes from the code after the if […]
For and While Loops in TypeScript
like all other object-oriented programming languages in TypeScript also loop is used when need to executes a particular block for a numbers of time There is mainly 3 types of loop and they are while loop do-while loop and for loop While Loop A while loop can be called an infinite loop also it can […]
Number Object Of TypeScript
The number is also supported in typescript as, like javascript, the number object converts into a numeric latter to an instant of the class Number. The Number is a class that makes numeric literals an object. To declare a number first we have to write var or let keyword to make the typescript that the […]
Typescript String Tutorial
A string is a collection of characters, that wraps the string primitive data type with a number of helper methods. We are going to discuss the method and helper of typescript below, String Object’s method There is 3 string object method available and they are: Constructor, Length, Prototype 1. Constructor: The constructor returns a reference […]
How to install XAMPP in ubuntu 22.04 Linux
If you are a PHP programmer or any of the frameworks of PHP then apache 2, MySQL, PHP, and PHPMyAdmin are very common to use, and XAMPP gives a package of all the 4, So XAMPP became a very popular name among the PHP and PHP Framework programmers, Now Ubuntu is an open-source operating system […]
The Array type variable and object in TypeScript
An array is a special type of variable which is used to store multiple data sequentially. In an array, the type of data stored must be the same. The limitation of variables can be solved by using an array. Variables are scaller in nature in that one variable contains only a single data at a […]
Interface tutorial of TypeScript
Like the other popular object-oriented programming languages interface is a collection of related properties, But the interface does not initialize the property or implemented the property. if we want to use a variable and if there are a lot of variables to pass through a function then we have to define all the types to […]
Class Tutorial of TypeScript:
Like all other object-oriented programming languages, the TypeScript class is also the blueprint for creating objects with specific functions. A class encapsulated the data for its object. In javascript es5 have or earlier have not the concept of classes, The concept of classes is started on typescript es6. How to create a class in typescript: […]
TypeScript Ambients or Declaration or Definition files:
In TypeScript the Ambients or Declaration or Definition files are used, when needed to include some external javascript library but at that time of compilation we do not need to convert the file from typescript to javascript and typescript can not understand its syntax also as not its pre defined in typescript and now there […]
Complete Angular Tutorial For Beginners
Welcome to the Angular tutorial, through the tutorial we are going to learn everything about the development of angular 2 and above. Introduction of the Angular Tutorial Initially, Google introduced angular.js and it is included as a library like other libraries there were some predefined classes and functions or methods, But when Google introduced Angular […]
Install Angular and setup the environment
To install angular you have to install node js in your system Install Node: to install Node you have to go to your browser and type the web address https://nodejs.org/en/ Now download the latest stable released version of the node and install by following the following steps given node itself during the installation. With the […]
Angular architecture and file structure by creating the first project Hellow World
To create an angular project, create a folder to store your application in any directory you want. After creating the folder open your command terminal and go into the folder. For that first select the drive by entering the drive name, then give the cd After entering the folder, type the command […]
The file structure of the Angular application
Inside an angular project, there are a lot of files. Among them, we are going to discuss only a few files. So let’s discuss the file structure of an angular application A few file structures of an Angular Application As told we are going to learn about the file structure of the angular application one […]
Property Binding (DOM Property)
What is Property Binding? When we can assign an attribute value with a property is called a property binding, Like if we set a property myId with the value “testId” in the component class and if we wish to make the value of an attribute of HTML of the template then we have to enclose […]